The Minutes of the last English Academy held on 17th
October 2014
fourth English academy took place on the Ground Floor Examination Hall on 17th
oct.2014 at 10.40 a.m. The session started by a short prayer which was lead by
the 1st year theologians. Bro James D. Sangma, the president gave
the welcome address and invited the Chair person Fr. Stanislaus to take up his
place on the dais and introduced the topic “Human Trafficking”. The Secretary
read out the minutes of the last meeting and passed it to be signed by the
chair person. Father thanked the moderator for giving him the opportunity to be
the chair person. He shared some of his pastoral experiences especially how to
educate the people regarding this particular topic.After the short introduction
he invited the group to present their paper.Bro. Susai Raj began the sharing by
introducing the topic “Human Trafficking” which is the most prevalent in the
present society. He emphasized that humantraffickingdestroys the person’s
dignity and strips away the individual’s humanity. Then he read out the sub
topics which the group members were assigned to present.
Michael Mundri spoke on the meaning of human trafficking. He said that today human
trafficking is one of the largest challenges and problem in our society. The
victims are subjected to rape, torture, starvation etc. There are network of
such people who are involved in it known as dalas. They may be parents’
neighbours, relatives or lovers. Bro.Chris Toppo shared on human trafficking in
Indiathrough a short skit about how the simple people are being trafficked in
different places. They are being traffickedfrequently for the purpose
ofcommercial, sexual exploitation and forced labour. He focused on how the
trafficking is done in North East and West Bengal. He brought to our notice
that even the educated people have become the prey to human trafficking in the
name of job placement.
Michael Raj shared his outlook on trafficking of the children and women in West
Bengal. He said that there are 22 villages where human trafficking takes place.
Child marriage is one of the major issues through which the minor girls are
being trafficked.In his research, he brought out that West Bengal serves as a source,
transit and destination for national and international trafficking of women and
children.Girls are being brought from countries like Bangladesh and Nepal and
supplied them to cities like Delhi, Mumbai, and Jaipur etc. Child trafficking
was specified by Sr. Bindu Chacko. She explained few of the questions in her
sharing, they are: what is child trafficking? What are the reasons for child
trafficking? How is it prevalent today? From her sharing we were being
enlightened that many families in India are unable to afford the basic necessities
of life which forces the parents to sell their children. We need to empower the
people regarding this issue so that we may have the better future.
response to human trafficking was highlighted by Bro. Anant Singh. He said that
Christians condemn the human trafficking. The fundamental teaching of Catholic
social teaching isthe sanctity of human life.Ourresponse therefore requires
that we internalise the basic dignity deserved by human beings and act upon
that. Our response to human trafficking was the another topic spoken by Sr.
Sasmita Parichha. She expressed her concern and said that need to work out
collectively in order to solve this problem. This is one of the important factors
that every individual irrespective of religion should look at and draw certain
conclusion to eliminate it fully. One of the ways to respond and raise
awareness is through governmental and nongovernmental organisations. Bro.
Michael kerketta brought to our notice the different NGO’s and few missionaries
who are working for it. Some of the NGOs are Anti Slavery International, Apne
Aap Women’s Collective, Destiny Rescue, Children’s Rescue, Initiative Global
Alliance against Traffic in Women, Mission, Bal vikas Ashram etc. All these
organisations are functioning to create awareness among the people with regard
to the human trafficking and also toaid the trafficked.
listening to various topics on Human Trafficking Bro. Anjit Ekka put forward
some of the recommendations for change. First of all people shouldbe empowered throughthe
help line publicity that are available. We need to be committed to eradicate poverty,
provide quality education, innovative agricultural programmes etc.
conclusion Bro. Mahindra Singh said that the Human Trafficking is the trade of
humans most commonly for the purpose of sexual slavery, commercial exploitation
and forced marriage. As believers and followers of Christ, it is our duty to
think the ways possible to wipe out this social evil that is present in our
Chair person thanked all the presenters for speaking on such a difficult
topic. Then he shared his experience
regarding girl child slavery, organ steeling etc. Then
Fr. Sylvester shared about his own relative who was being trafficked. After
which Bro. James thanked the Chair person, TheModerator, The presenters and
then the entire group. Withthe announcement of the next English Academy, the
session got over at 12. 30 P.M.
Yours Sincerely
Sr.Rosali R.N.D.M.